Small business ideas: Start a small business sitting at home and earn Rs 70 thousand per month.


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No matter how much a person earns outside, he misses home, especially home-cooked food. Surveys show that people in India prefer to eat home-cooked food. Nowadays one has to leave the city to get a good education and job and food like home is not available in hotels and restaurants. You can turn this opportunity into an opportunity to open your tiffin service. Anyone can do this business, be it male or female, you can start a tiffin service business from anywhere in the village or city, we are telling you in detail.

Do your research before committing to a Tiffin Center business

If you are planning to start a tiffin service business then it is better to first know about tiffin service and do a thorough research about it. It is very important to review any business before starting it. How to review? For this, you need to evaluate the existing tiffin center and visit other tiffin centers to understand all the details and understand how the current tiffin center is working. See below.

How many rotis are there in tiffin?

  • What is the proportion of rice, vegetables and pulses?

  • What will be the change in price if yogurt and buttermilk are added to the tiffin?

  • If a person is fasting for a week, what special item should he be given?

  • How are tiffin boxes delivered or how long does it take to deliver the goods?

  • The food is so delicious that people love it more.

Considering the price of one tiffin we will determine the price of tiffin.

 • How many rupees are in a tiffin?

 • How to use leftover food?

All these aspects have to be researched. After a thorough investigation, you will get answers to all questions. This will reduce the difficulties faced in doing tiffin service business.

Necessary items for tiffin service

Before starting a tiffin service business you will need some items which are as follows

 • To cook food, first you need utensils.

 • You need to buy enough tiffin boxes for the tiffin center.

  • Gas grills, stoves, LPG cylinders, furnaces, etc. will be required for cooking.

  • Essential items like rice, pulses, flour, oil, spices, etc. will be required for cooking.


Make a menu card for the tiffin service

 It is very important to make a menu card for tiffin service. The customer needs to see the menu card. Create your menu card with the customer in mind. Which vegetable should be changed on which day and at what time? Menu card every month to make customers like it. Customizable menu cards can be created that will appeal to customers.

Day morning evening

 • On Monday rice, dal, pickle, salad, green papad, vegetables, roti, salad etc.

 • Tuesday Dal, Rice, Seasonal Greens, Potato Soya Vegetables, Mix Veg, Tomato Onion Salad, etc.

 • On Wednesday, dal curry, rice, chutney, pickle, green vegetables, roti, cumin rice etc.

 • Paneer, Bhaji, Rice, Dal, Salad, Raita etc. Puri bhaji, gram pudding, raita, something sweet, etc.

 • Friday bread, green vegetables, pickles, green chilies, salad, etc. Roti, green vegetables, pickles, green chilies, salad, etc.

 • On Saturday rice, pulses, green vegetables, pickles, salad, papad etc. Roti, green vegetables, pickles, green chilies, raita, etc.

 • Sunday Matar paneer, green vegetables, rice, fried lentils, pickles, papad, etc. Green vegetables, roti, meat, salad, etc.

Thus generate customers for Tiffin Center business

You have to do good marketing for your shop, as attracting customers plays an important role in the initial stages. You can use different methods to sell in your store, marketing through these methods only when customers come to your store.

• By printing visiting cards you can give them to customers, visit offices, shops, hostels, etc., and distribute your visiting cards to everyone.

• By making a pamphlet you can put it anywhere like an office, hostel, school, railway station, college, coaching institute, etc. You can also post your flyers in crowded markets.

• Add your tiffin service business on Google Maps so that more people near me can track your tiffin center and visit your shop.

• You can also take the help of social media. After finding your area, you can place advertisements, which will also help in marketing your tiffin service business.

• After becoming a customer, you should always take feedback from their customers so that you know what is lacking in your tiffin service business.

• Make the food tasty and appetizing so that the customer likes it as much as possible.

Staff requirement for tiffin service

Disclaimer: All the information given here is taken from the internet, there may be some things above or below, and our website will not be responsible in any way.

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