Small business ideas: Start this business in 20 thousand rupees, earn up to 50 thousand in a month

If you also want to start a small business along with your job, then today we have brought you a great business idea. In which you can earn a lot. Summer has actually started. In that case, you must have seen that people like to drink sugarcane juice in summer. Whose cars you can find everywhere in every square.

In such situation if you are also planning to start a small business then you can plant sugarcane in summer which can be very profitable for you. Every person definitely drinks sugarcane juice in summer. Today, a small glass of sugarcane juice is available in the market for Rs 10, while a large glass is available for Rs 20.

A machine is needed to pump the sugarcane juice, if it is installed permanently, it will require space. If you want to sell sugarcane juice on the street, you need a car. Apart from this you will need sugarcane. You can buy sugarcane from the market, otherwise you can also contact the farmers directly.

If you look, you can start with 20 thousand rupees. If you provide good quantity and quality to the customer then the profit will increase, in that case if your business is doing well you can easily earn 40 to 50 thousand in a month. You can operate multiple cane winches simultaneously. Women can also do this business.

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