Small business ideas: You will earn ₹ 2000 daily from this 15 thousand machine, this is the business idea


Today we will discuss such a business idea for which neither you need a shop nor any room in the house.  We have talked earlier about many business ideas that can be done from home if there is no shop, but those who do not even have an extra room at home can try this business.  You can start this business with very little capital.  If you start this business now, you can earn more money in it because the festival of Deepawali is about to come.  Let's know more about this small business idea.

There is such a machine in the market which removes this problem of the people.  Rooftops, parking areas and high profile bungalows are some of the places in people's homes that are not cleaned regularly.  At these places, the garbage sticks in such a way that the color of that place itself changes and it cannot be cleaned easily.  In such a situation, pressure washing machine comes in the market of machines for about ₹ 15000.  This machine will remove this problem of the people.

pressure washing machine business idea

The pressure washing machine cleans the debris from the ceiling, kitchen, toilet, staircase and water tank in such a way that it shines like a brand new place.  Be it tiles or blocks or floors also shine with the help of this machine.  Now in our country people have started giving a lot of importance to cleanliness, now the demand for cleanliness has increased a lot.

Government parks, statues in cities and tombs of great people are all such places where daily cleaning is not done.  For this, you can also do this work on contract through the Municipal Corporation.  Where a big event is about to happen, work can be easily found.

If you are in small town then in initial days you have to demonstrate your machine and then people will start calling you.  If we talk about wages, then the daily wage of an unskilled laborer is ₹ 500.  You can charge at least ₹ 1000 for a site with your machine and it can be more according to the work.  In the smallest town, you can easily get a job for at least ₹ 2000.

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