Small business ideas: How to earn money by selling photos using mobile


Today every person is thinking to earn extra income along with the job. If you have an idea to earn extra income, your mobile will help you in this. If you want, you can quit your job and pursue this business full time.

Maturity with time will give you more profit in this business. You don't need any special planning or any age restriction to do this. Let's know about this business.

 Photo shopping website

Many websites sell photos. By creating an account on these websites, you have to upload the pictures clicked here by category. After this, if a user downloads it, you get paid. You get extra money for frequent photo downloads. Here we are telling you about some such websites where you can sell your photos.

1. Alami

2. Shutterstock

3. Adobe stock

4. Crestock

5. Foto Moto



8. Photoshelter

9. tour photos

10. Snapped4u

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