Small business ideas: Earn up to ₹ 20000 a month by working 4 days a week.

Today we are going to tell you about a business that will give you an idea to earn 2600 to 3000 rupees per week. For your information we are going to tell you about a business which is a small business type. You will also find that you cannot start any business easily, having a business idea is essential to start any small business.

If you have a business idea you must also have money to invest, but who has an idea but no money to invest. Similarly, on the contrary, someone has money to invest, but does not have a good business idea. So today we are going to tell you about one such business idea to start with little money, from which you can easily earn 15,000 to 20,000 per month. So now we will tell you about it in detail.

Small business ideas 

The business idea we are going to talk about in today's post is called PD Sports Club, also there are many people in our society who don't have funds to start a business but they have a lot of heart. Able to do everything. Working type and successful, if you are among these people, then this is a great small business idea for you, which allows you to work only 4 days a month i.e. every Sunday. And you can easily earn Rs 20,000. or more.

To start a business, you need to research your community. Many parents spend a lot of money on their children's education and should do things that will help them get ahead in life. Children mostly watch TV and play games, but their parents should do things that will make them better people.

PD sports club can be started to solve this problem of society. Along with this you can book a free or low rent space in any colony community hall or park. Your club will open every sunday, also you have to play some games in the club to improve the personality development and memory and ability of the kids in this club to answer every question.

Note :- If you teach 50 children every Sunday and charge Rs 400 per month from them, you can easily earn Rs 20,000. And if you have more kids in your class, you can make more money.
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