Small business ideas: Earn at least ₹50,000 per month by taking free courses from Google

If you are looking for a small business that doesn't require capital, want to work from home or don't have a job but want to start your own business, these articles are for you. We have many people doing this job all over the world and earning 18 lakh rupees per month. Starting small in India can earn atleast 50000 per month.

You must enroll in the Google Analytics Academy and pass the Google Analytics for Beginners course. It is absolutely free. No fees of any kind. There is no required study material for this course. On your laptop, you can accomplish this. By the end of the course, you will be a Google Analytics Manager with great confidence.

You will need to set up a Google Analytics Manager account in Google Analytics and get to work after completing the course. After completing the course, you don't need to explain anything, but for now we tell you that by doing this you analyze the website, which helps the website operators. Today in digital era every work is done through website, there are crores of websites in the world. There are millions of websites in your city alone.

Everyone is interested in the performance of their website. Website owners want to know if the website is fulfilling the purpose for which it was created. How many new opportunities are in front of them? What can they innovate and where can they make more money. Google Analytics Manager provides all this data to website owners.

Every website owner needs an analytics manager for their website. But those who have small websites cannot afford to hire a Google Analytics manager and instead choose to outsource this service. A Google Analytics Manager team works in K's office, but small businesses cannot afford to hire a full-time Google Analytics Manager, so they prefer to outsource this service. You can get your work done at a low fee initially. As you gain more experience, bigger clients will come.

As we mentioned in the beginning, in this business you can work and earn money for the whole world from your home in India. You want to understand how the website owner you work for can benefit. You have to analyze the complete information of the website and send it monthly or weekly after preparing the customer accounting report. If you charge ₹ 5000 per month from a website builder and initially work for just 10 clients, you can easily earn ₹ 50000 per month.

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