Start this business in 5 thousand can make you a millionaire

Friends, do you also want to start a business and are not able to understand what to start, then you have come up with a business idea that can earn you a lot of money, so let's understand how much more about this business. There is scope in this business and how much you can earn here, know in detail

Friends, today we are going to talk about the packed water bottle business, this business can make you rich in summer and nowadays the demand for this business has also started in winter, whenever people travel, nowadays people like to buy packed water bottle. Do and you also get a very good margin in this water bottle business. You can start this business from your nearby railway station and bus stop. In this business you are going to need only one fridge.

In this business idea, you are going to cost only ₹ 5000 in which you can buy a bottle of water, let us tell you that a water bottle is available in the market for ₹ 6 to 7 ₹ and is easily sold for ₹ 20 and now You can earn well in this business even by employing a boy in summer.

Apart from this, you can do business of cold drinks and ice cream along with this business, along with it, it can be very profitable for you in the summer season, you can earn a lot from this business at low cost.

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